Tonic Documentation



Play Offline Sound - Will play a sound when a user disconnects from Tonic (offline.wav located in your Tonic\Sounds folder)

Play Online Sound - Will play a sound when a user connects to Tonic (online.wav located in your Tonic\Sounds folder)

Play Message Sound - Will play a sound when a user sends you a message (message.wav located in your Tonic\Sounds folder)

Beep PC Speaker - Will produce a beep from your PC Speaker. The first box is the Frequency to produce and the second box is the length of the Tone. Use the P button to play the tone and preview it.

Auto Away:

After - When you leave your computer inactive for a set amount of time, Tonic will be set to Away, so people know you are not available.


Auto-Start with Windows - Will start Tonic when you start your Windows session. This is useful as you may forget to run Tonic and you might miss important messages!

Show Hide Help on Hide - Display Help when you hit the close button of Tonic. When you hit close on the Tonic window, it is in fact merely minimized to the System Tray.

Contact List:

Small Icons in list - Uses 16x16 icons for your contact list, rather than the default 32x32 icons. You will experience a degredation in quality, however you will aquire more space on the list

Horizontal Arrange - Will determine if your Contact list is arranged Vertically or Horizontally (Scrollbar appears vertically or horizontally for scrolling)

Move Offline users to list end - Will move offline users to the end of your list, instead of leaving them in the middle of your list.

Hide Offline Users - Will hide offline users from your contact list. This makes it difficult to send messages to offline users.


Message Windows Always on Top - Will ensure that your message windows are above every other windows, even when you do not have Tonic in focus.

Highlight Username in List on Receive - When you receive a message from a user, this option will highlight the user in your contact list ready for next time you want to reply to them

Font: Tahoma - Allows you to choose the Font used in the Contact list, and in messages

Send Message on Enter - When you are sending a message and you press enter, this option will send the message immediately rather than moving to the next line

Show Message on Receive - When you receive a message it will be immediately shown on your screen

Show Notifier on Receive - When you receive a message a small notification window will be shown on your screen to alert you to the new message.

Close Message on Send - Will close the message window when you send your message

Minimize Message on Send - Will minimize the message window when you send your message


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