Startup Delayer 2.3 build 115 has been released and is ready to download!
Click here to download it now!
This build is to fix an issue that some users experienced with Runtime error '52'.
There has been some major changes to the way Startup Delayer works. There is no longer the concept of Startup Delayer 'controlling' the applications that you delay; Applications are now either delayed or not.
If you delay them Startup Delayer handles the launching. If you remove the delay, control is returned to Windows. The move between Startup Delayer and Windows is now totally transparent.
Another change is that the application icons are now displayed instead of the Windows/Startup Delayer icons.
Click here for a complete list of the changes since version 2.2 build 85.
Due to problems with Spam I have decided to move the Mailing List over to a new host (Our web host). They have strict Spam policies and will require you to confirm that you want to accept the move.
There will be instructions included with the email you receive about it.
Startup Delayer 2.3 has been released and is ready to download!
Click here to download it now!
There has been some major changes to the way Startup Delayer works. There is no longer the concept of Startup Delayer 'controlling' the applications that you delay; Applications are now either delayed or not.
If you delay them Startup Delayer handles the launching. If you remove the delay, control is returned to Windows. The move between Startup Delayer and Windows is now totally transparent.
Another change is that the application icons are now displayed instead of the Windows/Startup Delayer icons.
Click here for a complete list of the changes since version 2.2 build 85.
Thank you to all of the users that downloaded and tested the Beta versions and reported back on the issues they found! I hope you all enjoy this new version!
I'm now into the Final stages of testing Startup Delayer 2.3!
This means that I need some more help with testing it to ensure it is rock solid. If you have a spare machine that you could run it on, that wouldn't matter too much if startup items went missing (Shouldn't happen, but its possible it MAY if you find a bug), then please download the latest Beta and send me some feedback!
It should be fine on most configurations, however there may be the occasional setup that might cause it a problem and I'd like to find any and fix them before I release.
So please, if you can spare some time to play around with the latest Beta and send me some feedback, it would be greatly appreciated and will mean I can release very soon!
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